Autumn is a season of surprises. Though you might feel warm in the beginning, it doesn’t take long for the chill to creep in. Even if the cold breeze is forcing you to turn to sweaters, you don’t have to compromise on the fashion choices. Here are a few ways in which you can wear your Knit sweater vests –

Satin Shirts with V-neck Sweater Vest
If you own satin shirts, then grab them no matter how big they are on you. Wear your V-neck sweater vests over them and complete the look with good jeans and shoes.

Plain and Uncomplicated
If you have a minimalist approach to things, then you should go for the plain knit sweater vests. However, colors speak volumes. If you like to keep it subtle, go for lighter shades of white, grey, sky blue, etc. Otherwise, loud colors like yellow, orange and red also suit the autumns.

Prints tell Your Story
When we talk about prints, it can be anything from simple flowers to cartoon characters. But some prints have stories behind them. Get a Knit sweater vest that has traditional African prints or regional art that adds more value to your attire. Beauty is undoubtedly going to be there but your casual outfit of shirt and pants will go a level up with these cultural additions.

Long like a Dress
You don’t have to restrict your vest to your upper body. If you are up for some trendy options, then go for Knit sweater vests that are long enough to reach above your knees. They have a great fashion impression on others. Wear a simple t-shirt inside with your vest. Good boots will complete the look.

The criss-cross style knit sweater vests are great for people who like to blend in sweaters with their regular attire. This won’t even seem like an addition to protect you from cold. It’s ideal to go for criss-cross vests without any prints.